Minoxidil For Hair Regrowth: Does It Really Work?

Minoxidil For Hair Regrowth: Does It Really Work?

Simply put, do enough research about hair loss and you'll quickly find that the 2 most popular hair loss solutions in the market today are called monixidil & finasteride (also known as propecia).Minoxidil was the first hair loss treatment proven to reverse genetic male (and female) hair loss and to be licensed by the UK medical regulatory body MHRA and approved by its US counterpart the FDA.It is now widely available over-the-counter and is marketed under many trade names, including Avacor Physician's Formulation, Loniten (oral), Kirkland, Mintop, Amexidil, Rogaine, Spectral.DNC, Vanarex, Kopexil and so forth.So what is minoxidil?In simplistic terms, Minoxidil is an anti-hypertensive vasodilator drug that also slows/stops hair loss. It was firstly used a drug to treat its primary purpose, which is for high blood pressure (akn hypertensive vasodilator).Later on, after observing all the side effects that a drug like this can have, it was discovered that it increased & darkened the hair growth of fine body hairs.Technically speaking, Minoxidil is a Potassium Channel Opener which in itself improves the blood circulation to the hair follicle.By improving the blood circulation, it also widens the blood vessels, which in itself gives the opportunity of more blood, oxygen and nutrients to be pumped in the follicle. All these in macro-terms makes the hair healthier and stronger.When you first use this (within the first 1-2 months), you will shed hair, and mind you, that shedding can scare the hell out of some people because it will be INTENSE.Yeap, because when it sheds, it REALLY sheds. And some people might really freak out to suddenly lose so much of hair in a day.How it works, is that your old, dead hair follicles will be pushed out from down beneath its roots and be replaced by thicker hairs in a new anagen phase to grow.The process can be quite gross too - your scalp will become really dry & itchy and you'll see chunks of it coming off pretty intensely. It will look as if you have chunks upon chunks of dandruff and uggh it's just not a pretty sight!Anyway that pretty much happens every single day for the first 1-2 months during the shedding phase so that just to gives you an idea of what you will have to go through.Depending on the individual, it's usually only from the 2nd - 3rd month until you'll start to slowly see your hair grow back.By the 5th - 6th month, you should be able to see a marked improvement in your hair growth and grow back everything you've lost in the past.And that's all good and fine, until the day you stop your minoxidil doses, and bam, that's when the problem comes up!You see, for those of you who have been on minoxidil, they will tell you the same exact thing, that the moment you stop your doses, thats when you'll realize that your hair will start falling again.It won't happen instantly of course, what will happen instead is that you'll be losing it little by little, week after week, and I can guarantee you that within 9 months to a year after you stopped taking your doses, you'll probably end up just the same and most probably MUCH balder than you were before simply because you will lose back all your hair AND MORE once you've stopped your minoxidil doses!Maybe your body is too used to the monixidil, I don't know but what I DO know is that you'll lose MUCH MORE hair when you've stopped taking it.So if you were to think about it, what is the whole point of spending a BOMB on this drug and continue spending on it FOREVER and end up even BALDER when you've stopped using it?The point I want to make is this: Never ever get your body dependent on any drugs without knowing it's full effects and what it will do to you.