Brief Article On Hair Loss And Baldness Solution

Brief Article On Hair Loss And Baldness Solution

The hair loss and baldness solution is one of the most common topics of concern for people. Research proves that eighty percent of the population suffers from hair loss. In this regard one must make sure that instant action towards its prevention is taken at the first signs of balding. If proper care is taken from the initial phase of hair loss, it can be properly cured with natural and home remedies. However, in severe cases, a medical practitioner or doctor should be consulted.The home remedies to attend and cure hair loss include massaging the scalp with juice of lemon, onion and ginger. These natural juices help the hair roots from becoming dry. The dry roots are caused by excessive dandruff which again leads to hair fall and breakage. Thus these juices would prevent dandruff, stop the dryness of the scalp and help in the re-growth of the hair.Tea leaves after boiling can be applied on the scalp. This acts as an anti oxidant to the strand roots and scalp. The anti oxidizing property works well on the pores of the scalp and revives them for re growth of hair.The massaging of the scalp is an effective cure in this regard. The massaging helps in proper blood circulation on the scalp region. Blood circulation helps in healthy growth of hair by providing proper nutrition and other minerals to the roots through circulation.The castor oil when mixed with equal quantity of coconut oil, can be applied on the scalp to get wonderful results for hair re growth. The loss can be made up by the regular application and gentle massaging of the scalp with this oil and washing off after an interval of one or two hours.One must have less levels of stress in the life to prevent excessive hair loss. Tension and stress are the two most common reasons for all problems related to the loss of tresses. One should maintain a happy life and meditate if required to maintain peace of mind.A healthy diet which is rich in minerals, vitamins, proteins and other essential nutrients helps in the healthy growth of hair. Lack of nutrients in the body weakens the pores and follicles of the head. This in turn makes the strands loose and thus it breaks of easily.In extreme cases one must consult a dermatologist before going for weaving and other artificial methods of curing baldness. In less severe cases, some pills and solutions can also stop baldness effectively, as suggested by the attending doctor.