Causes of Hair Loss for Women Over Fifty
Under normal circumstances your hair will grow at about ½ an inch monthly and when all things are constant each one of those hair strands will last anywhere between two and six years. On average a person can lose close to 100 hair strands every day. However, women over fifty tend to lose more hair than that even though they may to get to a point of baldness like men do. The type of hair loss at this age normally affects the top of the head and you can agree that no woman will want to sit silently and see her crown of glory disappearing into thin air.One important factor that will determine hair loss treatment at fifty could be that heredity is at play. If your mother or grandmother had thinning hair there are all possibilities that you will also become a victim. In many cases women begin losing their hair between the ages of 12 and 40 so that by the time they reach age 50 it will almost be part of life. The thing about genetically motivated hair loss at the age of fifty is that even though the hair could be falling out as usual, there will be no replacement taking place naturally.Another group who will require hair loss treatment is those who naturally have excess testosterone since any hair they lose will not be replaced naturally. Other reasons why hair loss can become exacerbated after the age of fifty include emotional stress, medications used for treatment of diseases as well as different types of illnesses. When your hair falls out and does not grow back within six months you therefore become a candidate for hair treatment.There is also the case of hormonal changes that will affect women at this age and it will almost always have an impact on a woman's hair. Some of these hormonal changes will be as a result of contraceptive pills that were taken many years earlier and their effects will only but have begun showing. Chemotherapy and other related treatments will also play a significant role just as any habit that creates nervousness.While society considers balding men somewhat of being stylish or even sexy the same treatment is not applied to women who lose their hair. While a woman will not bald completely, any significant hair loss will have such a great impact on them. There may also be a case of trying crash diets which eventually deprives the body of important nutrients. The best way to treat hair loss after the age of fifty is getting a proper diagnosis from a dermatologist so that you receive correct treatment.